Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Brooklyn Gremsley

Here she is, my senior project still on the slab. Twelve 22x30 gouache and watercolor painted pages due at the end of the quarter.... why on earth would I do this to myself you ask? Because deep down inside is an evil self deprecating Brooke Allen who never passes up a chance to self sabotage... curse her.

So heres a little process, if you've got time to kill and you're curious about what on earth I was thinkin when I made A Home for Mr.Easter you can see my post on process HERE.

more to come from the lil studio of horrors.


  1. This is going to look so awesome. I cannot wait to see it. And eventually buy it.

  2. Thanks! I cant wait for another installment of HELLSPACE!!!!!!!

    That is if I ever make it to class! D:
